Garmin xero

You know me skipglo,an old fart.I will get to try it out soon.
We have some bad weather coming so I most likely won't get to use it this week but when the front and snow passes by I will try it out.
Sounds easier than Labradar to use
You know me skipglo,an old fart.I will get to try it out soon.
We have some bad weather coming so I most likely won't get to use it this week but when the front and snow passes by I will try it out.
Sounds easier than Labradar to use
My aren't going to believe it...size of 2 cigarette packs taped back to back...does fit in just about any pocket...program takes 1.5 minutes....AND.... THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT! Even better for us OLDER GENTLEMAN!😂🤣😂 Functions like a dream...only question remains.... they're brand's the Durability,? Since I'm amongst the first to get one....I guess I'll be amongst the first to find out.... hopefully good news..but my luck with FIRST OF'S anything.... dàààaaaaaaah...fingers X
I am confident you will be very pleased with it. I'm similar to many here in always trying to improve things I have purchased. Other than a case to protect the unit, I really think the Garmin perfectly meets my needs. Simplicity is the key.
Tupperware container....cost 4.00 with the 4 flaps and leak proof seal! Add 2 pieces of 50.00
I've had mine since late October and have ZERO complaints about it. I found this cheap case that was around $10 and really like the straps to keep it in place and the pocket to keep the battery pack in case I ever need it..

I keep mine in a Harbor freight Apache 550 hard case with some foam I had leftover. Fits everything that came with it in the box.


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