They got me now!

We didn't know it had happened until after the film shooting was done. We discovered it when we were in the process of loading the ram in the buggy. It was an oh no moment. The outfitter said it could technically count for another ram in fees but that it wasn't any ones fault and chalked it up to sometimes things happen. Had I been trivial or uncaring about the incident, then he may very have charged for another audad. I don't have anything to do with the filming or editing. None of us that were there new it was in the video. The editing company probably didn't know what they were seeing. The episode of Giving Back TV was released a year or so ago. I have never watched it. The end of the show is an interview with me in dedication to my late son and the effects of suicide and those left behind. I have the episode on my phone, I just can't get myself to watch it. The final version was looked at after editing and they didn't catch the mishap.

Now here we are a year and a half later and the Hammer hater/basement dwellers with nothing else to do but try to find something to get Hammer Bullets with found this. So, in the last couple of weeks this peanut gallery of keyboard jockeys have tried to align me with anti hunting groups because I care for the environment and now, after they made themselves look like the trashiest hunters ever, in their attempt to peg me as an anti-hunter, they are trying to make me out as some trash hunter.

From the tone of your post it is pretty clear where you are in this mess. Carry on, you're doing great!
I feel for you Steve. You've been through a lot personally and professionally. Prayers are with you. Thanks for being so candid about your pain.
The world is full of triggered Karen', shooting pun intended.
Full disclosure is best. Throw the true info out there. Always gonna be Haters.

This is the push I needed to order some Hammers and get started working up some loads.
What are you looking at trying? I promise these won't be boomerang bullets! LOL

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