Deer with Covid?

Animals have had covid for many many years. This is not a new disease. Checkout spectra 6 vaccinations for dogs at your local farm store it has covid as a prevention. If you are really worried lock your self up wear a mask and inject some spectra 6. At least this injection has been vetted properly.
My wife doesn't like when I bark at her!!
If you're not kissing or rubbing noses with Covid Infected deer I wouldn't worry about it too much.

There's still little to no evidence of any sort of casual transfer of the infection.

Now if you want to bring a dozen covid deer in the house and sit around in a small room telling stories and drinking beer all night you might need to consider some Vitamic C and Zinc for a few days as a preventive.
The only deer I bring into the house aren't breathing!
I'll swab some of mine and test them when they come for dinner tonight...

Yeah and they can only be made in a lab somewhere in Wuhan China
Not so anymore! That lab in China was funded by the US thanks to corrupt politicians on both sides.

You guys must not pay very good attention. Covid is over, I haven't heard a word about it for at least a week. Have you heard about Ukraine?

In 2005 senators obama and lugar secured money funding to Ukraine for these what the msm tells people "military installations" which is a vague term but are US bio weapons labs. Bill gates said 3 weeks ago that omicron did a better job than they "c19 vax pushers" at getting a cure out there…….he said but, there will be another pandemic. It's amazing how these people can predict future, then Russia bombed these "military installations" and it's forces protecting them.

Long story short, many countries has US funded bio weapons labs all over the world studying bio weapons like this "covid" and more deadly plandemic like weapons. These weapons can be made ALL OVER!
Yeah and they can only be made in a lab somewhere in Wuhan China
Well nature has proven that not to be true. Similar bat coronaviruses were documented in wild populations as far back as 2012.

Not exactly Covid 19 but virtually identical in every way with a couple of minor structural differences.
Well nature has proven that not to be true. Similar bat coronaviruses were documented in wild populations as far back as 2012.

Not exactly Covid 19 but virtually identical in every way with a couple of minor structural differences.
@WildRose, do you honestly believe the New York post?
Hasn't anyone realized the lies that have been told to us on a daily basis over and over and over by the msm in a mass formation psychosis? When you have a corrupt media that is in the bag for the deep state cabal and 6 companies that own all msm media including fox can control what you see and how you see it. Follow the money see who they donated to, don't trust what they say, trust their actions and where they go with said actions. If the media were "fair" with no agenda included there would be differing opinions SOMEWHERE on many stories, but there is not, they peddle the same ol thing no matter where you go! There is SO much they aren't tell us and much of it is fake! Much of the news coverage of Russia/Ukraine is old photos and video footage from years previous in other countries and or on video games. These people are no different than pedowood, msm are full of actors and fake.
Go to DuckDuckGo and look up "Operation Mockingbird". It's never been proven that they no longer use it, they've been using it for 50 years.

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