New Travel Luggage Ideas for Hunting & General Travel


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
Sulphur Springs, Texas
My wife wants to get new travel luggage. And I really don't want to get myself another hardshell turtle case that 300 million people have. What are my fellow rough backpacking hunters using with just general travel and hunting travels. I need like brand, model, etc. I just don't want another freaking turtle case. Tired of them and need a more manly looking travel bag lol. I like the look of the ORV-2 Trunk 36
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My wife wants to get new travel luggage. And I really don't want to get myself another hardshell turtle case that 300 million people have. What are my fellow rough backpacking hunters using with just general travel and hunting travels. I need like brand, model, etc. I just don't want another freaking turtle case. Tired of them
and need a more manly looking travel bag lol. I like the look of the ORV-2 Trunk 36
I'm thinking about trying out one of these.
I'm on the road 200+ days a year. Yes it's a hard case but I use all zero Halliburton luggage now and don't regret it a bit. I rarely if ever see anyone else with one in the airport and always get compliments when I'm in the boarding area or checking into a hotel.

I do see more people carrying the patagonia black hole bags. I got one about two years ago to bring stuff home when I bought something bigger for my wife or daughter and it's been bombproof. Tsa hasn't killed it and it doesn't take up a lot of room when not in use.

Good luck on your search, luggage can be a rabbit hole.

Nice bag and easy to live out of.
Action packers work pretty well. You can load several in a truck or put on airlines. I get some funny looks in the airport but haul my loaded Kifaru pack on airlines and put in overhead storage on the plane. Saves a bit of luggage $.
Although retired, I was a frequent airline traveler (~1.3M miles) and the qualities I wanted in luggage were:
1-security of locks, not easily defeated
2-rollability since I was always on flight in next concourse!
3-internal means to separate clothing and secure so doesn't look like clothing was wrung out wet and packed.
4-easily identifiable on luggage carrousels.
5-anything except black since everyone used black luggage.
6-sized for 2-4 day trips.
7-water resistance since likely left out on cart in weather.
8-unique storage for GPS trackers.
9-strength, durability and weight all part of total.
10-handle long enough for easy pull or push.

Glad I no longer fly!

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