Grizzly called in at 50 yards.

So when exactly were you "wolf hunting?"Quit fishing , a little over a year ago,one was actually killed
So when exactly were you "wolf hunting?"
Why do you ask? The real reason? This is not a fishing expedition,we have access to 40 acres two cabins,I posted pictures this winter of us there,my permit was 50$ when I hunted,I actually was with the landowner when he killed one,picture posted,any other questions? As you know wolf season for rifle is short and complicated due to various lawsuits etc,as for when I hunted within last two years,I hunt coyotes in your state 3 times a year and kill plenty as well as fox over 20 in one week ,want pictures.I got them,what else? This haul in one week,pole bridge are froze rock solid in an hour it was -20,let's see yours now. many more where those came from.


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You said it.......
accidentally......antler hunting and running into a grizzly is accidental......

provoking a feeding frenzy by using an elk call......isnt....

People Eating Tastey Animals..........

Provoking a feeding frenzy...

Ahh yes, the ole, you should've known and therefore you are culpable of inciting the result and of course then must accept it, routine.

Your daughter shows her cleavage... she incited the feeding frenzy that was the sexual assault, so no charges are brought, she asked for it.

You dare let your child play outside... have you not heard their crying... it's a distress call if I've ever heard one.

No, you cannot defend their life, you should've known and therefore you are culpable and it just wouldn't be right for you to shoot that poor old bear that was just responding to the dinner bell.

Jogging... not so fast, bears instinctively give chase, you should've known and therefore you do know and therefore you intended for that bear to attack and must accept your fate.

Wear cologne... inciting feeding frenzy
Deodorant... feeding frenzy
no deodorant... also, feeding frenzy

You either smell like prey, or homosexual prey... either way, you incited the violence being acted upon you.

This guys reasoning would literally make anyone hunting in bear country unable to defend themselves because their actions could be interpreted as provoking the bear.

Whether we simply assign it to trespassing on the bears "territory," or of course to the scent of a dead or wounded animal inciting a feeding frenzy... or, to their calling inciting such a frenzy.

Whole herds of grizzlies come running into the frenzy, I picture a leader bear making sure first come are first served, but wait, are we justified, well, in some sixth degree of separation nonsense he should've known his actions would in one way or another attract us and therefore he wanted this to happen.

This guy is outside his mind.

SITEasdasddd get GIF

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