Recent content by Mountain Sloth

  1. Mountain Sloth

    Land ownership timeline? (BLM to private)

    Check with the Clerk and Recorder, or call your local field office with jurisdiction over the property and ask them, or look up the Utah GIS system and see if they have transfer dates, in MT they list the document information and you can go pull if from the public records if that is a thing in...
  2. Mountain Sloth


    Working in a parallel industry I would suggest going with a local bank, you might save a little money going online, but once your deal is done you're calling to ask a question and its not someone local, or even from the same country which can be frustrating.
  3. Mountain Sloth

    Anyone used these Terminal Ascent bullets on big game?

    My example of 1 came at 100 yards on a mule deer doe from a 300 win mag... devastating, like backflipping deer devastating. This was during the rona and moved onto hand loading so never tried them on anything else.
  4. Mountain Sloth

    Cartridge poll for curiosity

    Hate to say it but 6.5 cm or prc would probably be the path of least resistance.
  5. Mountain Sloth

    No luck drawing MT E/S elk special permit tag

    Wait... you guys are drawing elk tags?!? 🤣 I'll also settle for my general tag.
  6. Mountain Sloth

    vanguard rifles

    I have one in 300 win, in its factory configuration it shot sub moa with multiple factory rounds. In a bell and carlson stock and hand loads its around 3/4 moa at 200 yards. I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on another.
  7. Mountain Sloth

    338-300 PRC... Sherman Improved!

    That sounds like THE plan. I could deal with that weight for sure but I don’t blame you for wanting to go with less weight!
  8. Mountain Sloth

    338-300 PRC... Sherman Improved!

    That’s what I’m thinking. Mostly because I wanna get a suppressor for one as well. That’s a beautiful rifle system. What’s she gonna weigh in at with optics you think?
  9. Mountain Sloth

    338-300 PRC... Sherman Improved!

    What length barrel are you thinking? I’m kicking around wanting a 338 and this sounds interesting as all get out! Tagging in for the progress and results
  10. Mountain Sloth

    Bell & Carlson; state loyalty

    I should have also mentioned mine isn’t bedded either
  11. Mountain Sloth

    Bell & Carlson; state loyalty

    I have one that I bought 3 years ago on a vanguard and it’s my favorite rifle, I’d buy another one in a heart beat
  12. Mountain Sloth

    Spring Bear 2024

    Planning on taking the afternoon of the opener in MT off, being a Monday. I look forward to spring bear, been after it for a about 4 seasons now so hopefully we can put a couple on the ground this season between my buddies and I. Also pretty excited Montana extended some of the hunt unit season...
  13. Mountain Sloth

    Staball HD

    They are a solid rifle platform, this one was my grandfathers and passed on to my uncle who recently passed it on to me, so its got a bit of sentiment. I was hoping for a little more speed but I have a hard time passing up accuracy.