Ever See Donkeys in with Livestock?

Best steak I've ever had was one night in Tanzania after I had shot my Leopard. It's late, we're all tired and dinner is served. Both my wife and flipped out - it was one of the best steaks I'd ever had. Knowing full well we were eating bush meat that we had shot in the last couple of days O I really wanted to know what it was. They clammed up and wouldn't say. After a bit of persuasion - they copped that it was Zebra. Best ever. Period.
Oh Yea. Jill shot a young Stud Zebra when we were in SA and had both steak and Sauage from it. it was very good but the best meat came from the Gemsbuck I shot. Just threw the 1 1/2 steaks on a very hot grill from the Acacia tree wood. Let it on foe a very short time flipped it over and cut it and ate. Meat melted in your mouth.