

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Just checking to see if any of you gents out there have ever had this ankle surgery. I have chronic pain in the ankle, after two failed lesser surgeries. From what I gather, the foot can still on the x and y axes, but will no longer yaw, I.e. if I step on a large rock, my foot will not bend with the curvature but remain flat. Kinda worrisome about that, especially with my record of failed surgeries.

If anyone has had such a surgery, please let me know the outcome.
Your heel will move side to side but very little. The fusion should eliminate the up/down motion of the ankle. Any movement in the forefoot will come from in front of the ankle. The procedure seems to have a good success rate for mitigating pain and around an 80 percent success rate of fusion. To answer your question about how your foot will move, you will not be stepping on any large rocks afterwards. I have not had the surgery, so this is not my personal experience, but rather my professional opinion. I work in the rehab profession.