Recent content by Phil Rizzo

  1. Phil Rizzo

    Whats your favorite hunting rig as in truck ?

    A 2" hose under high pressure! It's no where close to sealed, if I recall I torched drain holes in the bottom. The 3/16” lid won’t fly open accidentally though. I put expanded metal on it for grip. Like most everything else it stays filthy. That photo was before it ended up at the hunting...
  2. Phil Rizzo

    For Sale Some extra blanks…

    It weighs 4.675# on my scale.
  3. Phil Rizzo

    For Sale Some extra blanks…

    It’s real, and I mean real bad.
  4. Phil Rizzo

    For Sale Some extra blanks…

    I’m feeling……invisible. At least my ads seem that way
  5. Phil Rizzo

    Why is Rel 26 so great??

    S&D gets quite volatile when the S is controlled by very few, or in this case one. The Chinese knew what they were doing with the Kung Flu, it created some long hangovers and grand opportunities for the immoral.
  6. Phil Rizzo

    Thoughts on most consistent loading dies

    Enough runout that I found another method, like over .002 LE Wilson seaters cured that. I used an RCBS case master gauging tool, glad it wasn’t mine. No need for it these days.
  7. Phil Rizzo

    7mm PRC load

    3050 with a 180 isn’t bad! Thanks to Peterson and ADG!
  8. Phil Rizzo

    For Sale Some extra blanks…

    Am I too expensive?
  9. Phil Rizzo

    7mm PRC load

    None personally. But I suspect with a 140 it will get good enough speed. Used plenty in 7RM/140-150 grs and 7ss/140's. It’s pretty rare for it to let a man down. The little 7ss was around 3230 at 63.7grs My 7PRC seems to prefer 210's with several powders. N565 and 568.
  10. Phil Rizzo

    7mm PRC load

    Dang good bullet, primer, powder and brass. Dont forget good ol H4831
  11. Phil Rizzo

    Thoughts on most consistent loading dies

    Run-out with seaters is my gripe. And I’ve tried the VLD stems. Without a way to lock the stem it can move with a wind gust. No clicks. No set screw. No bueno.
  12. Phil Rizzo


    I've never been able to tell the difference between blue and gold box, but haven't tested extensively. But I still buy GMM. Found a cache this morning locally. ☑️
  13. Phil Rizzo


    Brownells had a run earlier, likely gone
  14. Phil Rizzo

    "My" never leave the local gun store empty-handed rule ...

    Most big retailers have had stock, of late. Check midway, powder valley, mid south SS, etc
  15. Phil Rizzo

    "My" never leave the local gun store empty-handed rule ...

    Give n565 a whirl if it’s practical. Temp stable and available.