Recent content by memtb

  1. memtb

    Dark Day

    Isn’t it typical of a weak person to call for a truce or cry foul when they aren’t winning the contest! memtb
  2. memtb

    Sad day in America

    If you subtract the inflation % from the DOW's……if there is any gain, it's minimal! memtb
  3. memtb

    Dark Day

    Would that be the hooker that signed a letter saying that she had no relations with Trump? Even if he actually did…he was screwing a hooker while the rest of DC was screwing us! memtb
  4. memtb

    Sad day in America

    While we all need to financially support DJT in his re election bid… better prepared for what’s coming should DJT win and actually try to “drain the swamp”! Taking back our Republic will likely require more than votes…..are we and our families prepared? It will require all Patriots...
  5. memtb

    Dark Day

    Thank You sir! I wish more people people had your understanding, intestinal fortitude and above all….. Your Love of Our Nation and that which it is was founded upon. No one should have to apologize for wanting a better future for their family! memtb
  6. memtb

    Dark Day

    Amen brother! Well stated! memtb
  7. memtb

    Dark Day

    For all of the delicate souls that are offed by DJT, you darn sure wouldn't have liked Andrew Jackson. He was also brash and hurt feelings, and didn't hesitate a second to vanquish those who stood against him…..ask those that he killed in duals. America would be much better off with...
  8. memtb

    Dark Day

    I’m not real pleased with some of the antics or brashness of DJT, and obviously he’s no saint. But, he is immeasurably better than the alternative. I suspect that a pretty small percentage of the people in our country would agree with going back to the government and policies that we were...
  9. memtb

    Dark Day

    I will assume that it's very difficult for some of us! memtb
  10. memtb

    Kodiak brown bear rifle

    Yes, but…….most .375 H&H’s are fairly heavy, which greatly mitigates felt recoil. Just as an example……my wife’s .338 WM felt recoil is much greater than that of my heavier .375 H&H. She has no problems shooting 300 grain bullets from my old H&H. memtb
  11. memtb

    What gun would you want if the SHTF?

    The SHTF yesterday…….it remains to be seen exactly how it will be handled! memtb
  12. memtb

    Dark Day

    I did that when Obama was elected! I received a sarcastic unsigned letter from a neighbor asking when the pirates were attacking. I took it upon myself to go to his home and explain what the Flag being turned over meant. He didn't resist or respond to my visit…..perhaps he knew that...
  13. memtb

    Dark Day

    I hope that you’re correct! memtb
  14. memtb

    Dark Day

    It most certainly is! I’m extremely disappointed but not surprised! I hope this will start a “ground swell” that will start a “holocaust” with these anti American, anti Constitution people wishing to destroy America as the target! It’s time to take our country back! memtb
  15. memtb

    Solar vs generators?

    Generally YES! I'll have to do some research. A few years ago there was something that you could purchase for your camper ac that would make it possible for a 2K genny to start the ac. Perhaps it was some sort of condenser that would give a short term voltage spike to get the ac running. Once...