Recent content by DSheetz

  1. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    They told me it's not the heat it's the humidity and I always replied back okay if you say so, but I don't believe you completely any time it's over eighty degrees it's the heat too. I was working in a boiler one time when the tubes were so hot that we had to put wooden planks on them to keep...
  2. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    We have been warmer than normal with more wind than we usually get in the summer. The hills are green, and the antelope and coyotes stand out well in it. Some of the grasses like cheat grass are headed out and going to seed raising the fire danger so we should have that in mind as we are out...
  3. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    Predator hunting, trapping, calling, snaring is an addiction no doubt about it. I fortunately don't have ferule swine here or I would most likely be addicted to doing the same for them. Family is to me the most important part of life and if you can be closer to where they live so that you get...
  4. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    I found that some types of people don't do well working for themselves because they don't know when to slow down and put in too much time working, not enough self, family or just down time, work acholics. One study I read said that today's working group of Americans will average five different...
  5. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    And they said life would slow down when I retired! the only thing I've noticed is that I don't really have to be anyplace at a specific time (most of the time) I'm still as busy as I was just at different things. lol
  6. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    Several years ago, I asked a guy if he would like to see my hooters calendar, he turned red and said no I'm married, and it wouldn't be right for me to look at that. It had twelve different owls pictured for each month of the year he finally saw the hummor in it.
  7. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    For the majority of people calling or hunting coyotes it is probably done from October till the end of February. They are out doing it mostly for pleasure, a few of us do it year-round, I probably went at least 25 years that I had equipment out for coyotes as my main goal. I speak of keeping...
  8. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    Here it's close to the time of year that den hunting is nearly over. The pups are old enough now that some of them are out camping in the sagebrush with the adults or will run and scatter if you get close to the hole they are living in still. A lot of the pups will answer a siren but some of...
  9. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    Yes, sir 74honker, it worked well for me, I was out locating one morning for the helicopter, I had an old female talk the helicopter came in and couldn't find her till they flew over a fence line and called to tell me she was fighting a snare just a couple of hundred yards from me. But we went...
  10. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    I got called one day and asked if I could go in and kill a coyote then find the den as the helicopter had gotten a wet female but didn't get the male. I got out to the site the next morning, where they had gotten the female. I howled a few times with my locator series. I didn't get any howls...
  11. D

    Ever See Donkeys in with Livestock?

    The largest buyer of horse meat from the United States at one time was Iraq. During the Klondike gold rush mule meat was eaten (Canadian bacon) at one time was mule. I have seen mule deer kill coyotes with a well-placed kick or a front hoof strike.
  12. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    In the 1960's I was sure that more families were fed with the use of a 22 using longs and long rifles. Rabbits, squirrels and even deer were harvested with them. Some people used them to hunt jackrabbits that were then sold, to mink farms, and other food items bought in that manner providing for...
  13. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    Last year my wife got a new puppy. Puppies being puppies it was out in the back yard checking it's new world out, she ran over to a yellow jacket and pushed down on it with her nose, started screaming ran in the house with it still attached to her face. I got it off of her and killed it. A trip...
  14. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    I can think of a lot of things to be that are worse then being a coyote geek or coyote nerd. There are some very fine long-range rifles out there these days. Since 2001 we have made great strides in the long-range shooting art. Bullets, rifle set up, stocks, range finders, optics and scopes all...
  15. D

    Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

    Yup I am a coyote nerd!!!! and proud to be one lol